
새 예배당 건축

오타와한인교회 건축위원회에서 새 예배당의 Floor Plan에 대한 의견을 수렴하기 위한 게시판입니다. 주제와 관련없는 게시글은 통보없이 삭제합니다. 많은 성도들의 적극적인 의견개진 부탁합니다.

Floor Plan ver.12a
Floor Plan ver.12a
Site Plan ver.11
Site Plan 11
조감도 ver.12a

Accessible, inclusive, healthy and environmentally responsible church

2022-06-14 17:36

This is so exciting! A really solid plan. I have a few suggestions and questions mostly from youth, health, accessibility and inclusion, and environmental perspectives.

1) Outdoor play area + bike racks (야외 놀이터 + 운동장 + 자전거 파킹): Would it be possible to add an outdoor play area for Ainos/Philoi (e.g., slide and swings, maybe on the south connecting to the cafe patio) *and* a grass field for badminton, soccer and/or basketball (maybe on the east side, adjacent to the gym)? Minimal kitchen (running water?) and BBQ facilities on such a field, with seating varying options, would promote conversations and expand possibilities for various outdoor activities (e.g., Cornerstone's lock-in or on-site retreats). Less indoor sitting, more movement outdoor. To reduce greenhouse gas emission, we could encourage members to travel by bikes and provide bike racks. 

2) Meeting Rooms - Acoustic insulation and Doors (소모임방 방음 + 문): To the extent possible, given that they are next to each other, could the meeting rooms be as noise-insulated as possible? It'd be great if a group could be practicing small-team praise in one room and another group could hold a quiet bible study in the next one. Also, could every door have a small glass opening, so that inside is visible from outside (to protect vulnerable members and ensure transparency at all times)? 

3) Baby change room + Breastfeeding area (모유실): I’m assuming the whole building would be wheelchair accessible and that there would be a sufficient number of accessible washrooms for wheelchairs and strollers. Will the washrooms (both men's and women's) be equipped with a baby change table? I hope that the nursery will have a dedicated breastfeeding area for nursing mothers.

4) Storage (부서별 수납공간): Love the storages in the gym! We will need that space for all the tables, chairs, and sports equipment. Could we also find space for dedicated lockers for each education and other ministries somewhere in the church to store various materials? Maybe one of the meeting rooms could be converted into storage?  

5) Shower and Laundry (샤워, 세탁시설): Could there be at least two shower rooms for on-site retreats? Also, where will the washer/dryer be installed (e.g., to wash kitchen clothes)? Probably good to be located near or in the kitchen. 

6) Water fountains (음료수대): In order to minimize the use of plastic water bottles at church, could there be a number of water fountains throughout the church, including in the gym and hallways? In case of retreats/youth events, everyone would be encouraged to bring their own water bottles that they could fill in.

7) Small Chapels Seating Arrangement (소예배실 책상/의자): This does not affect the floor plan per se, but consider installing semi-permanent (movable and stackable) and comfortable seating options in these chapels, so that the room could be used for more physical activities (e.g., Cornerstone retreat games). One could even be made convertible to a dance studio (wooden flooring and one wall with full size mirror and a bar, which could be curtained off for worship service). It may good to have one of them with tables, conducible for larger bible studies or seminar-type activities (성서학당). 

8) Interpretation Booth (통역실): Will there be a fully sound-proofed and well ventilated booth for simultaneous interpreters in the main sanctuary?

9) Basement (지하실): Will there be a basement? If so, how will it be planned? That'd open a whole lot of possibilities. If not, why not?

10) Gym (체육관): Is there a reason why there are only two badminton courts rather than three? A standard basketball courts (with swingable basketball nets) can accommodate three badminton courts, increasing its usage for badminton tournaments. 

11) Community rental potential (지역사회 렌트용도): Has  there been a market scan conducted for community space rental needs that our building could fill? Such rental opportunities would likely require upfront investments beyond our congregation’s immediate needs, but could serve to create stronger links with the local community as well as provide sustainable rental revenue in the long term. In addition to the gym, other possible community rental opportunities could include: commercial kitchen facilities for cooking classes or catering social enterprises (The kitchen seems a tad small for a growing church and rental purposes. In either case, I'd highly recommend an industrial dish washer, even for our church - quick 3-min and energy efficient dish washing and drying!); daycare; small school; music school / private lessons; dance studio; conference facilities (premium A/V + computers, printing), etc. 

Thanks for the opportunity to provide comments. 

Total 6

  • 2022-06-14 21:34

    For small chapels or some of the meeting rooms, I'd recommend foldable tables such as picture #1 (e.g., for bible studies).

    For dining / fellowship in the gym, recommend easily stackable and foldable large round tables rather than rectangular ones. Better conversations at the table, easier movement among the tables, and freer overall room atmosphere than rows of cafeteria-like rectangular tables.


  • 2022-06-15 09:34

    Thank you so much for your comprehensive review, and all the great and thoughtful suggestions. As we are currently going through the stage of an indoor design, some of the suggestions will be considered and addressed at a later stage (ex. outdoor amenities and facilities). Please see my responses to each of the points you raised/mentioned/suggested:

    1. Outdoor Play area + bike racks: Surely we are planning to add an outdoor play area for Aino right at the location you suggested. And to the right-hand side of the building (East), we are thinking of making a small-scale soccer field.
    2. Meeting Rooms-Acoustic insulation and doors: Good point. As we are currently in the indoor design, insulation and related stuff will be considered and planned when we get to the stage. As for the door, we are planning to have glass doors to maximize the natural light intake as well as for security reasons.
    3. Baby change room +Breasfeeding area: Nursery will have a baby change room and breastfeeding area. It will be specifically designed for the nursery at a later stage.
    4. Storage: very good suggestion. Each classroom will have an in-wall cabinet and there may be a room that can be used as storage as well.
    5. Shower and Laundry: Thanks for the suggestion. We will consider if we can add showers and laundry.
    6. Water Fountains: another good suggestion. In the corridor, we can add water fountains here and there.
    7. Small chapels seating arrangement: Basically seatings in the 2 small chapels will be detachable and stackable so that the rooms can be used for various purposes.
    8. Interpretation booth: surely an interpretation booth will be there in the main chapel at least.
    9. Basement: Unfortunately we cannot have a basement due to the quality of the soil of the land. So from a geotechnical point of view, the basement was not recommended by the experts. So we decided not to have a basement in the building.
    10. Gym: the current gym size is a Junior High gym size and due to the construction cost, we may not be able to increase the size of the gym.
    11. Community rental potential: Thank you for indicating this. Yes, we are mindful of space rental for the local community in the design of the church building. The Gym will be a good space for the community as well as classrooms and small chapels for various purposes such as piano, violin recitals, small community gatherings, and daycare rental(there's a big demand for daycare in Barrhaven), etc. By doing all these, we can invite people into the church

    If you have any other/more suggestions, feel free to come back to this bulletin board or contact me at your convenience. Again, thank you for your suggestions!!

  • 2022-06-15 09:35

    We will consider your suggestions. Thank you!!

  • 2022-06-18 18:37

    Thanks for the detailed responses. Just to clarify the request #10 was not for a larger gym, but rather its use. If we can squeeze in three badminton courts rather than two, it’d be a bonus.

  • 2022-10-23 15:32

    영아들을 위한 예배의 공간

    이것은 현재 신축시 반영해 달라는 뜻이기보다는 장기적인 가능성을 염두에 두고 올리는 의견입니다. (첨부파일 참조)

    Attachment : 영아부-예배실에-대한-의견서.pdf

    • 2022-11-03 21:29

      강정은 집사님, 좋은 의견 잘 받았습니다. 현재 nursery라고 되어있는 공간이 말씀하시는 영유아 공간인데 다시 한번 돌아 보겠습니다. 감사합니다.

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