제자 삼으라
예수께서 나아와 말씀하여 이르시되 하늘과 땅의 모든 권세를 내게 주셨으니 그러므로 너희는 가서 모든 민족을 제자로 삼아 아버지와 아들과 성령의 이름으로 세례를 베풀고 내가 너희에게 분부한 모든 것을 가르쳐 지키게 하라 볼지어다 내가 세상 끝날까지 너희와 항상 함께 있으리라 하시니라 (마 28:18-20)
주일 오후 1:00

Welcome to Ottawa Korean Community Church’s English Ministry: Mosaic Christian Fellowship!
We want to love God, love our neighbours, and make disciples for Jesus.
We are located at
384 Arlington Ave.
Ottawa Ontario K1R 6Z5
Sunday Service is at 1PM at the Main Sanctuary
- Pastor: Namjong Jerry Cho
- Deacons: John Yoo, Sangmin Lee
- Sound Team: Lyz Croskrey
- Praise Team: Vacancy
- Media/Broadcast Team: Vacancy
- Welcoming: Angela Baek
- Life Group Leaders: Jong In Byun, Jasmine Kang
Weekday Life Groups are also available. Mosaic Christian Fellowship seeks to love God, love our neighbors, and make disciples of Jesus through Life Group Ministry.
Life groups are a small group meeting weekly or bi-weekly to study the Bible, pray, and share life. We believe in life groups because Christians are never called to engage in discipleship alone. We need each other.
- College: college-age
- Young Adult: post college-age
- Family: married with (or without) children
Please join one of our life groups and find out how we might love God, love neighbors, and make disciples together!
Please contact or PJerry for more detail.